How NICP used Thinkific Plus to adapt and diversify its income during a global pandemic

Diversify revenue with online courses


The National Institute of Crime Prevention (NICP) is a global organization that has provided onsite Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) training for more than 20 years. 

When the global spread of COVID-19 began to take effect on in-person events and air travel, the NICP team knew the organization needed to quickly diversify their traditional revenue stream.

Joelle Hushen
Executive Director, NICP

Learn how to diversify your revenue with online courses.

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NICP had an idea: what if we tried online education?

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The technique we train individuals on is the design of the environment to reduce crime and improve people's quality of life. We've conducted in-person training for two decades but through Thinkific Plus, we now have another option to offer.